Ryerson University
School of Computer Science

CPS 607

Marked Lab 1


You are to create a first order autonomous mobile robot that is capable of surviving on a table top while in (near) continuous motion for a period of no less than 2 minutes. The robot must sense the edges of the table and take action to avoid falling off.

In addition, the robot must push off the surface a small puck that has been randomly placed on the surface.

You may not touch the robot for the duration of the autonomy test. The robot will be placed on the surface by the Teaching Assistant in the class.

No micro-controllers are allowed for this lab.

All robots are to be independent in that they have no part of their physical plant permanently attached to any off-board surface. The course instructor reserves the right to pass harsh judgement on any participant not adhering to the spirit of the task.

Prior to the commencement of the test, each student must present the instructor with a typed/printer output 1 page description of the mechanisms used on the robot including

  1. a description of the physical plant
  2. the control strategy, and
  3. Full student name and number.

Do not be afraid to include diagrams if necessary. 

Here are some poor quality videos of past robots

Intro 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
