
Policies on Team Work and Academic Integrity

Toronto Metropolitan University University

Team work

The first three assignments in this course are individual assignments, and the other two can be done in teams of 1 or 2 students. For any of these assignments, a team may elect to increase the team size by one more person for a 20% penalty: This means that To qualify for this 20% penalty a team must declare its size when the assignment is submitted and not afterwards. The constitution of a team is declared on the marking sheet of each assignment: at the top there will be room to enter the name, student id, and scs account of each team member.

If a team decides to add extra members without declaring this on the marking sheet, or if two teams submit the same work, without acknowledging their collaboration anywhere in the submitted work, this is cheating, which is a form of academic misconduct.

Academic Integrity

Furthermore, it is expected that all individual work submitted for evaluation in this course will be original and that each team will produce original work.

For the assignments you will be given source code that you may integrate in your own code provided that you follow the CPS710 copyright policy. The rest of the code in your assignment must be your original work, i.e. written by you (or your team) only. Using code from other sources, such as other students or the Internet, is plagiarism, which is a form of academic misconduct.

Work suspected of plagiarism may be submitted to code plagiarism detection software which does not retain a permanent copy of the code or the test results.

More details on Academic Integrity and Academic Miscondict can be found on the web site of the Ryerson Office of Academic Integrity

This page is maintained by Sophie Quigley (cps710@scs.ryerson.ca)
Last modified Monday, 03-Sep-2018 16:00:31 EDT