Terms of Use


Please note that no person has permission to record, in any fashion, anything relating to the instructor(s)/TA(s), in and out of class/labs, except for personal handwritten/electronic notes for personal use. Record includes, but is not limited to, audio recordings, and still/moving images. No person has permission to give to, or reproduce for, any other person/people, or the public, in any fashion, any notes taken, with exception being lending a student your personal notes for a day s/he missed.


Announcements will be made periodically in class, regarding assignments, tests, due dates, due date changes, etc. The student is responsible for knowing about all announcements, even when she/he misses the class in which the announcement was made. I will make every effort to put any announcements on the D2L Announcements for the class.
If I am not the coordinator for the course, then ALSO check the main course site for announcements.


As outlined in the Course Outline, I may not answer emails, and I may post your question (anonymously) and my answer in Announcements so that all students may benefit equally.

Final Grades:

Here is my understanding, regarding final grades, from the secretary of Academic Council:

Grading Concerns:

Please report mistakes in addition immediately upon return of your evaluation. If you notice a grading error, you must notify the appropriate grader (sometimes me, sometimes a TA) within 24 hours of the material being returned. (Re-marking forms, etc., may be required--check info for your specific course.) Evaluations (tests, etc.) written in pencil will not be re-evaluated.


Penalties in CS:

Examples of what you CANNOT do:

Examples of what you CAN do:

A general way to think about this is that if a particular activity significantly short-circuits the learning process (it saves you time but reduces the amount you learn and/or figure out on your own), or if it misrepresents your capabilities or accomplishments, then it is probably considered cheating [Some wording is from the Stanford University Honor Code].

Please review the following information on cheating in CS at TMU:

Questions asked on Tests/Exams/Assigns/Labs etc.:

Anything goes here. You could be asked any type of question for any of these. The format could be anything. You could find short answer, long answer, pseudo-coding, coding, multiple-choice, true-false, online questions, oral questions, etc.

Late Submissions:

Late submission of any course work are not accepted.