import java.awt.image.*; import java.awt.*; import javax.swing.*; import javax.swing.event.*; import java.awt.event.*; import java.math.*; import java.util.*; import java.util.concurrent.*; public class Mandelbrot extends JPanel { // The size of this component in pixels. private int sizeP; // The complex number at the top left corner of image. private BigComplex top; // The size of our current "peephole" to the complex plane. private BigDecimal size; // The size of a single pixel in this peephole. private BigDecimal psize; // Running tally of pixels that have been created so far. private static int pixelCount = 0; // The buffered image to draw the fractal on. private BufferedImage img; // The current selection box top (sx, sy) and bottom (bx, by). private int sx = -1, sy = -1, bx, by; // Are we currently rendering? private volatile boolean busy = false; // Does the user want to stop the rendering? private volatile boolean stopRequested = false; // Timer to force regular repaints of the Swing component. private javax.swing.Timer timer; // The labels used to display the current scale and completed pixel count. private JLabel scale, completed; // How many pixels still remain to compute. private int remainCount; // A global mutex for synchronization of remainCount and image pixels. private Semaphore globalMutex = new Semaphore(1); // Size of the margin above image where the components reside. private static final int OFFSET = 35; // Threshold radius for escape for the Mandelbrow iteration. private static final BigDecimal THRES = new BigDecimal("4"); // Whether the current frontier pixels are rendered as white. private static final boolean RENDER_FRONTIER_WHITE = false; // The number of threads to compute the image. private static final int THREADS = 7; // Multiplier for iteration steps performed for each pixel at each turn. private static final int IROUNDS = 200; // Pixel skip when initializing the start pixels of the image. private static final int EDGE_SKIP = 20; // The ExecutorService to manage the threads behind the scenes. private static ExecutorService es = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(THREADS + 1); // How often the screen image should be updated, delay in ms. private static int TIMER_FREQ = 40; // The colours used to render completed pixels. Somebody could surely think up some // other, more artistic colour schemes. private static final int COLS = 1024; private static int[] colours = new int[COLS]; private static int getEscapeColour(int c) { // enforce symmetry to avoid ugly discontinuities if((c / COLS) % 2 == 0) { c = c % COLS; } else { c = COLS - c % COLS - 1; } // look up from cache if(colours[c] == 0) { double cc = Math.pow(c, .7); float hue = (float)(.5 + .25 * Math.sin(-.08*cc) + .25 * Math.sin(.11*cc + .2)); float saturation = (float)(.7 + .2 * Math.sin(.05*cc+Math.cos(cc/100))); float brightness = (float)(.6 + .2 * Math.sin(-.11*cc) + .2*Math.sin(.07*cc + .1)); colours[c] = Color.HSBtoRGB(hue, saturation, brightness) & 0x00ffffff; } return colours[c]; } // An interface to something that can produce Pixel objects at command. private interface PixelFactory { public Pixel create(int x, int y); } // A class to reperesent the state of computation of an individual pixel. private class Pixel { public int x, y; // Image coordinates of this pixel. public int iter; // How many iterations this pixel has gone through. private int age; // The creation time of this object. public BigComplex c; // The original complex number that this pixel represents. public BigComplex z; // The current value of the iteration of this pixel. public Pixel(int x, int y) { this.x = x; this.y = y; this.age = pixelCount++; // The complex number that this pixel represents. BigDecimal cx = top.getRe().add(psize.multiply(new BigDecimal(x))); BigDecimal cy = top.getIm().subtract(psize.multiply(new BigDecimal(y))); this.z = this.c = new BigComplex(cx, cy); } // Iterate this pixel some number of rounds. Returns -iter if the pixel has not escaped, // otherwise returns the RGB colour that the pixel should be rendered with. public int iterate(int rounds) { BigComplex zp = z; for(int r = 0; r < rounds; r++) { zp = zp.mul(zp).add(c); // z = z * z + c, original Mandelbrot formula // zp = zp.mul(zp).mul(zp).add(c); // try also cubic Mandelbrot and other powers, // as in the Wikipedia page iter++; if(zp.getRe().abs().compareTo(THRES) > 0 || zp.getIm().abs().compareTo(THRES) > 0) { int col = getColour(iter, zp, z, c); z = c = null; return col; } } z = zp; return -iter; } // A template method to compute the pixel colour based on number of iterations, the // escape point zp, the previous point z, and the starting point c. public int getColour(int iter, BigComplex z1, BigComplex z2, BigComplex c) { return getEscapeColour(iter); } } private static final BigComplex TRAP = new BigComplex(-1,1); // An example subclass for a more interesting formula. Also keeps track of closest // distance to orbit trap during the iteration. private class AlternatingSignFormula extends Pixel { public AlternatingSignFormula(int x, int y) { super(x, y); } private double dmin = Math.PI; public final int iterate(int rounds) { BigComplex zp = z; for(int r = 0; r < rounds; r++) { // A more interesting formula adds and subtracts in alternating steps if(iter % 2 == 0) { zp = zp.mul(zp).add(c); } else { zp = zp.mul(zp).sub(c); } iter++; BigComplex trapv = zp.sub(TRAP); double tx = trapv.getRe().doubleValue(); double ty = trapv.getIm().doubleValue(); double td = tx*tx + ty*ty; if(td < dmin) { dmin = td; } if(zp.getRe().abs().compareTo(THRES) > 0 || zp.getIm().abs().compareTo(THRES) > 0) { int col = getColour(iter, zp, z, c); z = c = null; return col; } } z = zp; return -1; } @Override public int getColour(int iter, BigComplex z1, BigComplex z2, BigComplex c) { double x = (Math.sin(0.05 * Math.pow(dmin, .5)) + 1) / 2; return getEscapeColour((int)(COLS * x)); } } // An example subclass for a more interesting colouring effect. private class EscapeSinePixel extends Pixel { public EscapeSinePixel(int x, int y) { super(x, y); } @Override public int getColour(int iter, BigComplex z1, BigComplex z2, BigComplex c) { BigComplex zd = z1.sub(z2); double dr = zd.getRe().doubleValue(); double di = zd.getIm().doubleValue(); return getEscapeColour(iter + 10 + (int)(5*Math.sin(dr) + 5*Math.cos(di))); } } // Strategy classes to decide which pixel from the priority queue should be iterated next. private class DFSComparator implements Comparator { @Override public int compare(Pixel p1, Pixel p2) { int result = p1.iter - p2.iter; if(result == 0) { return p2.age - p1.age; } // DFS ordering of equals else { return result; } } } private class BFSComparator implements Comparator { @Override public int compare(Pixel p1, Pixel p2) { int result = p1.iter - p2.iter; if(result == 0) { return p1.age - p2.age; } // BFS ordering of equals else { return result; } } } private class CenterDistanceComparator implements Comparator { @Override public int compare(Pixel p1, Pixel p2) { int result = p1.iter - p2.iter; if(result == 0) { // resolve equals by their chessboard distance to image center int d1 = Math.max(Math.abs(sizeP / 2 - p1.x), Math.abs(sizeP / 2 - p1.y)); int d2 = Math.max(Math.abs(sizeP / 2 - p2.x), Math.abs(sizeP / 2 - p2.y)); return d1 < d2 ? -1 : +1; } else { return result; } } } // The neighbour direction offsets. private static final int[][] dirs = { //{0, 1}, {1, 0}, {-1, -1} {0, 1}, {0, -1}, {1, 0}, {-1, 0} // main axes //{0, 1}, {0, -1}, {1, 0}, {-1, 0}, 1, 1}, {1, -1}, {-1, 1}, {-1, -1} // compass eight }; // Compute the image using current settings. public void computeImage(final PixelFactory pf) throws InterruptedException { busy = true; int sc = bigScale(size); scale.setText("Scale: " + sc); // decrease +7 to something less for blocky quantization artifacts = new MathContext(sc + 2); size = new BigDecimal(size.toString(),; // convert to higher precision top = new BigComplex( // convert to new math context new BigDecimal(top.getRe().toString(),, new BigDecimal(top.getIm().toString(), ); Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D)img.getGraphics(); g2.setPaint(Color.BLACK); g2.fill(new java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D.Double(0, 0, sizeP, sizeP)); // Keep track of which pixels have already been added to the frontier, // so that we won't add them twice as new pixels escape. final boolean[][] found = new boolean[sizeP][sizeP]; // Count of how many pixels remain to be completed. remainCount = sizeP * sizeP; // Create the initial frontiers of background threads. final PriorityBlockingQueue frontier = new PriorityBlockingQueue<>(100, //new BFSComparator() // BFS //new DFSComparator() // DFS new CenterDistanceComparator() // greedy from center ); // Complex coordinates of top left corner. final BigDecimal topX = top.getRe(); final BigDecimal topY = top.getIm(); // Size of a single pixel in complex coordinates. psize = size.multiply(new BigDecimal(1.0 / sizeP,; // Initialize the search frontiers for each edge. for(int y = 0; y < sizeP; y += EDGE_SKIP) { found[0][y] = true; Pixel p = pf.create(0, y); frontier.offer(p); found[sizeP - 1][y] = true; p = pf.create(sizeP - 1, y); frontier.offer(p); } for(int x = 0; x < sizeP; x += EDGE_SKIP) { found[x][0] = true; Pixel p = pf.create(x, 0); frontier.offer(p); found[x][sizeP - 1] = true; p = pf.create(x, sizeP - 1); frontier.offer(p); } // A local Runnable subclass to render the pixels in the given PriorityQueue. class Renderer implements Runnable { // The semaphore that this thread signals when it is finished. private Semaphore signalWhenDone; // The index of this background thread. private int idx; public Renderer(int idx, Semaphore signalWhenDone) { this.idx = idx; this.signalWhenDone = signalWhenDone; } public void run() { // In an infinite loop, repeatedly pop the next pixel from the queue // of remaining pixels and iterate that pixel one more round. If it escapes, // colour the pixel, otherwise push that pixel back to the queue. We must // take care the synchronize the access to the priority queues of threads // because PriorityQueue itself, as most collections, is not thread safe. try { while(!stopRequested && remainCount > 0) { Pixel p = frontier.take(); // The pixel to process next. if(p.x == -1) { break; } int c = p.iterate(sc * IROUNDS); if(c > -1) { // The pixel (p.x, p.y) has escaped! globalMutex.acquire(); remainCount--; img.setRGB(p.x, p.y, c); // Add all undiscovered neighbours to the search frontier. for(int[] d: dirs) { int nx = p.x + d[0]; int ny = p.y + d[1]; if(nx >= 0 && nx < sizeP && ny >= 0 && ny < sizeP) { if(!found[nx][ny]) { found[nx][ny] = true; frontier.offer(pf.create(nx, ny)); if(RENDER_FRONTIER_WHITE) { img.setRGB(nx, ny, 0xFFFFFF); } } } } globalMutex.release(); } else { // The pixel p did not yet escape. frontier.offer(p); // Put the pixel back to the queue. } } } catch(Exception e) { System.out.println("Renderer " + idx + " crashed: " + e); } finally { // Make sure that another thread waiting in the queue will get out. frontier.offer(new Pixel(-1, -1)); signalWhenDone.release(); } } } // Launch the renderer subtasks and wait for their termination. stopRequested = false; final Semaphore allFinished = new Semaphore(1 - THREADS); for(int i = 0; i < THREADS; i++) { es.submit(new Renderer(i, allFinished)); } allFinished.acquire(); // Wait for all subtasks to complete busy = false; completed.setText("Completed"); } // Create a new thread to compute the image. private void submitRender(PixelFactory pf) { es.submit(() -> { try { computeImage(pf); } catch(Exception e) { System.err.println("Error: " + e); } }); } private static final BigDecimal TWO = new BigDecimal(2); // Estimate the integer logarithm (base 2) of decimal number x. private static int bigScale(BigDecimal x) { int count = 1; while(x.compareTo(BigDecimal.ONE) < 0) { count++; x = x.multiply(TWO); } return count; } // The constructor with a good default starting value for complex coordinates. public Mandelbrot(final int sizeP) { this(sizeP, new BigComplex(-2.0, 1.2), new BigDecimal(2.5,; } // The constructor to set up the component controls. public Mandelbrot(final int sizeP, BigComplex top, BigDecimal size) { PixelFactory pf = (x, y) -> new Pixel(x, y); this.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(sizeP, sizeP + OFFSET)); this.img = new BufferedImage(sizeP, sizeP, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB); = top; this.sizeP = sizeP; this.size = size; JButton stopB = new JButton("Stop"); this.add(stopB); stopB.addActionListener((ae) -> { stopRequested = true; completed.setText("Stopping..."); }); this.scale = new JLabel("" + bigScale(size)); this.add(scale); this.add(new JLabel("Black pixels:")); this.completed = new JLabel(""); this.add(completed); // A background time to repaint the component. timer = new javax.swing.Timer(TIMER_FREQ, (ae) -> { if(busy) { completed.setText("" + remainCount); } repaint(); }); timer.start(); submitRender(pf); // the initial image // When the mouse is dragged, use the new coordinates as (bx, by). this.addMouseMotionListener(new MouseMotionAdapter() { public void mouseDragged(MouseEvent me) { if(busy) { return; } bx = me.getX(); by = me.getY() - OFFSET; if(by < 0) { return; } // Flip the start and end of selection if necessary if(bx < sx) { bx = sx; } if(by < sy) { by = sy; } // Enforce the selection being a square if(bx - sx < by - sy) { bx = sx + (by - sy); } if(by - sy < bx - sx) { by = sy + (bx - sx); } } }); // Detect the start and end of drag using mouse button listener. this.addMouseListener(new MouseAdapter() { public void mousePressed(MouseEvent me) { if(busy) { return; } if(me.getY() < OFFSET) { return; } bx = sx = me.getX(); by = sy = me.getY() - OFFSET; } public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent me) { if(sx < 0 || (bx - sx) < 4) { sx = -1; return; } if(busy) return; // Calculate the area on complex plane determined by selection. BigDecimal psize = Mandelbrot.this.size.multiply( new BigDecimal(1.0 / Mandelbrot.this.sizeP, ); = new BigComplex( BigDecimal(sx))), BigDecimal(sy))) ); double sf = (bx - sx) / (double)Mandelbrot.this.sizeP; Mandelbrot.this.size = Mandelbrot.this.size.multiply(new BigDecimal(sf)); sx = -1; // no more selection submitRender(pf); } }); } // To paint this component, just draw the image that we are rendering, // followed by the mouse drag rectangle, if it exists. public void paintComponent(Graphics g) { super.paintComponent(g); g.drawImage(img, 0, OFFSET, this); if(!busy && sx > -1) { g.setColor(Color.WHITE); g.drawRect(sx, sy + OFFSET, (bx - sx), (by - sy)); } } // Call this method to terminate the computing. public void terminate() { timer.stop(); // terminate the animation timer stopRequested = true; // terminate the background rendering threads also... } // For demonstration purposes. public static void main(String[] args) { final JFrame f = new JFrame("Mandelbrot"); final Mandelbrot m = new Mandelbrot(1000); f.setLayout(new FlowLayout()); f.add(m); f.addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter() { public void windowClosing(WindowEvent we) { m.terminate(); f.dispose(); es.shutdownNow(); } }); f.pack(); f.setVisible(true); } }