CPS 815/CP8201: Topics in Algorithms
Course Management Form

Instructor: Mikhail Soutchanski
Email: mes (at) cs (dot) torontomu (dot) ca (write cps815 in Subject of your email)
Web page: www.cs.torontomu.ca/~mes/courses/cps815/
Office: ENG275
Office Hours.: Friday 1:10pm-2:00om    
Teaching Assistant:     shaun.mathew (at) torontomu (dot) ca         Shaun Mathew

Activity All Sections Day Start Time End Time Room
Friday 10:10
POD 370

Course Description

Course Policies

Policy on collaboration in homework assignments

Limited collaboration in discussing general approaches to problems may be allowed (only with students in your team); no collaboration is allowed between teams. You may discuss assignments only with other people currently taking the course. However, you should never put your name on anything you do not understand. If challenged, you must be able to reproduce and explain all solutions by yourself, or solve similar exercises. If you cannot explain a solution that you handed in, or if you cannot solve an exercise similar to questions in your home work, the grade for the home work can be decreased to 0. In particular, you might be asked to solve exercises during the office hours, or in class (as a quiz). Remember that if you work with partners, you are still expected to know solutions of all exercises from the home work. Grades are earned for the demonstration of knowledge. The first page of your homework should include: the name of all students with whom you discussed any homework problems (even briefly). Otherwise, it is assumed that you didn't discuss with anyone except the instructor. Copied work (both original and copies) will be graded as 0. Involvement with plagiarism will be penalized in accordance with Academic Policy 60. Additional penalty for copied work may be assigned as deterrence against plagiarism. More specifically, additional penalty for a copied assignment (in part or in whole) can be up to -10% of the final course grade.

Contract Cheating Statement
In regard to any and all assessments in this course, the use of Chegg or any other similar help site/service will be pursued as "contract cheating".

The use of ChatGPT, Gemini, Copilot and similar generative large language models (LLM) with the purposes of solving homework problems will be pursued as "a breach of Policy 60: Academic Integrity", if the student accessed them before submitting course work and assessment is presented as if it is one’s own original work without appropriate referencing. Generative LLM tools may only be used for comparison with your own course work that you have already submitted, but not for the creation of submitted work.

Falsified citations or misrepresentation of source material will be considered a breach of Policy 60. You are responsible for the accuracy of the work you submit.

In regard to any and all assessments in this course, the use of any third party (e.g., family member, freelancer, roommate, friend, tutor) to complete work on your behalf will be pursued as "contract cheating" under Policy 60 "Academic Integrity".

Policy 60 Penalty Guidelines for contract cheating (e.g., viewing a solution on Chegg or Discord) that only impacts you: F in course.

Policy 60 Penalty Guidelines for contract cheating that facilitates cheating for others (e.g., posting a question to Chegg): Disciplinary Suspension.

In order to create an environment conducive to learning and respectful of others rights, phones and pagers must be silenced during lectures and evaluations. Students should refrain from disrupting the lectures by arriving late and/or leaving the classroom before the lecture is finished.

Committing academic misconduct, such as plagiarism and cheating, will trigger academic penalties including failing grades, suspension and possibly expulsion from the University. As a TMU student, you are responsible for familiarizing yourself with the Student Code of Academic Conduct.

Policy on Non-Academic Conduct
No disruption of instructional activities is allowed. Among many other infractions, the Code specifically refers to the following as a violation: ``Disruption of Learning and Teaching - Students shall not behave in disruptive ways that obstruct the learning and teaching environment." In particular, the students can use the laptops (and similar electronic devices) in class only for taking notes. In difficult cases, penalties can be imposed by the Student Conduct Officer.

Remarking Policy

  1. Grades are earned for the demonstration of knowledge.
  2. Read carefully the marking guide for the assignment or test you'd like to be remarked. Your grade may go up, down, or remain the same.
  3. Fill in this remarking form (available online). Attach this form to the hard copy of your assignment. Same rules apply if you request recalculation to correct an arithmetical error in calculating your total score.
  4. Forward your assignment and the remarking request form to the TA/GA who marked your assignment.
  5. Remarking request can be only submitted within 10 working days of the return of the graded work (quiz or assignment) in class. Late re-grading requests will not be accepted.
  6. Mark can decrease if TA finds something that was incorrectly awarded too high a mark.

Tentative Course Calendar (all changes of dates will be announced)

Course Work Due Date Grade Value (%)
Assignment  1
February 8, Thursday
Friday, February 16, in class
Assignment 2
March 14, Thursday
Assignment 3
March 29-April5, Friday
Quizzes & tracing algorithms
In assigned class time
Final Exam
Exam period

The total grade (100%) is the sum of marks for assignments, quizzes, midterm and the final exam.