[an error occurred while processing this directive] Nov 26:
  1. Instructions on how to submit the assignment are completely posted.
  2. I (Sophie Quigley) have office hours from 2 to 4 in RCC307 on Thursday Nov 27 if you have any questions about the assignment. Students from any cps109 section are welcome.

Nov 20: I keep on being asked how one declares a viewer for a visible stack. Here is how you can declare viewers for a visible stack called "stack1" of initial capacity 10:

	VisibleStack stack1 = new VisibleStack(10);
	// You can add a simple stack viewer for stack1 by doing:
	new StackViewer(stack1);
	// or a text stack viewer which shows at most the top 6 elements by doing:
	new TextStackViewer(stack1,6);
	// or a graphical stack viewer which shows at most the top 6 elements by doing:
	new GraphicsStackViewer(stack1,6,"Stack 1");  // The name of the window will be "Stack 1"
	// or you can add all three or as many as you want.

Nov 19: The GraphicsStackViewer class is now available in the handouts. Feel free to modify it if you don't like the way it looks.

Nov 9: There was a small bug in the deleteViewer method of VisibleStack. It has been fixed.

Nov 5: The assignment is posted. There are two missing files still but they are not essential to the assignment yet. They are the GraphicsStackViewer class (the TextStackViewer class can be used instead) and the instructions on how to submit the assignment. They will both be posted later.

This page is maintained by Sophie Quigley, e-mail: quigley@torontomu.ca
Last modified Wednesday, 26-Nov-2003 22:32:37 EST