Introduction to UNIX
                            LAB EXERCISE #6

       Create a directory named "lab6" and change to that directory.
       All work should be done in that directory.

       1. Create a variable called "abc" and assign the string "Hello 
          out there". Use echo command to display the contents of the 
          variable "abc".

       2. Create a file called file_1 with three lines of text in it.
          Create a shell variable called "f1", assign to it the string
          "file_1". Use the cat command and the variable "f1" to display
          the contents of the file "file_1".

       3. Set the shell variable "astring" such that if you type the 
          command "echo $astring" at the prompt, you will get the 
          following output:
          Hello, my name is "gsmith" and I have $5.00
       4. Repeat this but output the following:

          Don't do that

       5. Change your prompt so that it reads "Enter a command". Create
          a sub-shell by typing the command "ksh". What does your 
          prompt look like? Type "exit" to end the sub-shell. Your
          prompt should be "Enter a command" again. Type "export PS1". 
          Type "ksh". What does your prompt look like now? (Don't
          forget to exit your sub-shell).

       6. Use "env" to look at all your environment variables.