
       This is acontonuation of project #1. 
       This project simulates some aspects of "Flexible Manufacturing". The idea
       is to build a product "on demand". User specifies the reqirements and you
       build the model. The user may not be satisfied at the first attempt and 
       you need to give them the opportunity to re-enter their reqirements and
       build the model again. You repeat the process until the customer is
       satisfied. All this was done in the first project.
       You need  to add the following feature to your previous program.

       After the customer is satisfied with the product, you need to create a 
       "Bill of materials" which lists all the components used in the assemly.
       Compare this list with your data base which contains such information as:
           Name of     Stock     Unit    Supplier  Manufacturer  Delivery 
           component   in-hand   price                           date(individual

       You need to parse the materials list you created and compare each component
       with the data base and obtain the unit price and calculate the total price
       of the product. You also need to estimate when the product will be available
       by checking the data base.

       You need to create two extra selections in your web page to:
       1. Product cost
       2. Delivery date of the product.

       Due date: Week of March 27, 2006.